Did you know the top two causes of blindness are Macular Degeneration and Diabetes? Fortunately, with the advanced retinal treatment we provide at SEECA, both of these conditions are now treatable. This is why it is very important to maintain yearly eye check-ups with an ophthalmologist to maintain proper retinal health to maintain and preserve your eyesight. If you have a family history of Macalar Degeneration or Diabetes or you haven't been seen by an Ophthalmologist in over a year, call us at 985-853-0900 to schedule your eye exam today and we will be happy to care for you.
SEECA Retinal Care In Houma Provides:
Lucentis, Kenalog and Avastin Injections
Macular Degeneration Treatment
Diabetic Retinopathy Laser Treatment
Advanced Retinal Imaging

The Verdict is in! CATT is GREAT NEWS for Macular Degeneration patients
The CATT (Comparison of Age related macular degeneration Treatment Trials), was recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine and proved that Avastin (ay vas tin) and Lucentis (loo sen tis) are EQUALLY effective at treating Macular Degeneration. Ophthalmologists have been successfully injecting Avastin and Lucentis into the eye to treat serious retinal conditions for the past few years. What's very interesting is that both drugs produce amazing results, but... Avastin costs 75 times LESS THAN Lucentis (not a typo).
In 2007, SEECA was one of the first eye practices in our area to use Avastin for Macular Degeneration and Diabetic Eye Disease. Since then, SEECA has performed the Avastin injection procedure over 1,500 times with results that are far better than older treatments.
At SEECA, we are committed to using the most advanced technology AND SAVING OUR PATIENTS MONEY. By using Avastin (instead of Lucentis) during the last 4 years, SEECA has saved our patients and the health care system over 3 million dollars in drug costs. It is gratifying to know that it is possible to save VISION AND MONEY simultaneously. SEECA will continue to do all we can to provide the best possible eye care to our patients at the best possible price.